
“Tom Xylander is a landscape designer, photographer, painter and engraver born in Munich (Germany), who belongs to the tradition of European traveller artists, just like Alexander von Humboldt. Either by curiosity or even by destiny, Tom arrived to Latin America and discovered in this continent the inspiring magic of its culture. Since 1995, Tom formally established his relationship with the world of art and he started also his straight links with the Mexican culture and arts through the apprenticeship of different graphic techniques with Mexican engraving artists. Particularly with the technique of colography, which is specialized in those workshops of Oaxaca, the artist found his way of expression and experimentation for his own artistic language. The originality of Tom’s art works is based on its multicultural character: The dynamic lines in his art works, the dramatic textures and the expressiveness of colors, allude to the well known Mexican visual art as well as the geometric compositions of his pieces remind us to his German roots and traditions. The spectator shall be able to find themes about our contemporary world, such as the influence of technology in human relations, the modern human approach to the nature and the “ethos” of the global society. The aesthetic values of Xylander’s art works break up with any geographic limit and condense in his engravings the professional and emotional experience that the artist obtained in both Europe and Latin America resulting in very unique poetic images”.

Karina Alanis, Mexican curator

“The constant production of art works, which are created with discipline and passion, is full of essences of his country and emanations of contemporary Mexico, more human, less industrial, not even so convulsive. In the geometry and neofiguratism of creation there is the subjugating integrity of the sensitive soul of this already Mexican author”.

Macario Matus, International Association of Art Critics, France-UNESCO

“The life experiences of the artist have taken him to consider themes abstracted from the metamorphosis of the urban world, inspired from life and death, because both of them have a very important influence in the own painter’s life. His art works are like a mirror of an inhuman and decadent society”.

Miguel Alvarado, Mexican painter and engraver

“Tom’s colography engraving titled 'Faces' is particularly interesting. It takes back our memories to Carlos Merida’s art work: childlike shapes managed with two dark background colors, handled with a very clean drawing technique and formal elegance, just like the guatemalan-mexican artist did with an exceptional geometrical stylization”.

Hugo Covantes, International Association of Art Critics, AICA-UNESCO